Jun 3, 2008

Update: Free PDFs Now Available!

For those who would like to construct their own paper toys, the PDF files are now available for free for a limited time. Just follow the link *here*.


  1. JoE you are insane but in the best possible way xxx

  2. Haha... sometimes you need to be insane just to feel sane.

    Does that make sense?

  3. Love them! Is there a limit to how many PIFs I can get?

  4. Hi Right Brain Thinker,

    I have not imposed a limit at this moment, and I try not to.

    I'll see how things go.

  5. This is great! I have two boys and I hope it's okay if I get two. I see you haven't limited the number to buy.

    Thanks for this offer!

  6. My 3 years old discovered your shop when I left the browser on etsy's time machine where they show items just sold, he saw Spider-Man and fell in love with it. Now, mommy wants to collect the entire PIFs :)

    We'll sure to visit your blog everyday from now on :)

    Keep up the great work!!!!!

  7. um.. who's the one way ion the back.. i cant seem to find him on the site...

  8. I think its wonderful what you do! I'm looking forward to seeing what other toys you put out there.

  9. jdw,

    you sure are being observant! the guy at the back is... i will reveal it when i post him within these few days.

    keep guessing!
