Jun 6, 2008

Day 18: Andy Warhol

Andy Warhola (August 6, 1928 - February 22, 1987), better known as Andy Warhol, was an American artist and a central figure in the movement known as pop art. It was in the 1960s that Warhol began to make paintings of famous American products such as Campbell's Soup Cans, as well as paintings of celebrities like Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor.

PDF here!


  1. Everything is amazing! How about doing "Master Chief" from "Halo"?

  2. Hey!
    Just found you on etsy today, love this project!
    My son would like to suggest you try to make Lucas and Ness from Super Smach Bros. Brawl.
    Happy Friday,

  3. OMG! I love this project! I loved the Jack one thanks for doing it =) I would like a certain character, my fave of all.. Itachi Uchiha from the anime series Naruto! I would be so happy to have him in a papertoy T_T Hope you considere this and good luck on this awesome project ^^

  4. Looking forward to downloading the Andy Warhol.

  5. Good project!
    And, you can also make a alternative Warhol with teh Rolling Stones "sticky fingers" cover ... ;)

  6. I pray that you'll let us grab the pdf for Andy. He's my favorite so far. It's just a beautiful project, thanks ! Jacques-Olivier, Geneva Switzerland (found you through an article in a local newspaper)

  7. OOOOPS... Sorry, I just see Andy was indeed uploaded recently. Thanks !

    Can you post a small tutorial with some tips regarding your wonderful creations ? I mean, like your favorite glue, the paper you use, and a couple of tips here and there based on your experience so we'll save a bit of the Amazon forest by not using 12 pages for each one :-I ..

    Also, it would be nice to learn how much time you spend for each toy, and a few notes for regarding their creation process, but I bet you've got only 24 hours a day, right ? :-)

  8. Hey, that's very fun!!! is there any "Cookie Monster" toy!?? greetings!! :)
